mardi 17 novembre 2015

Everything to look good!

I spent the summer working ;-)
I spent the summer working ;-)
You missed me oddly this summer! 
I hope you are well and I am very pleased to see you on My blog has been less active in recent months, but I decided to get back a good shot now. I have plenty of tricks and tips to share with you ...
For many, the return is often synonymous with stress, long faces and nostalgia of the holidays ... For me, it rhymed with work!
For those who have not followed me on Facebook (click to register), know that China's income barely aromatherapy where I taught for 10 days, I started my new series of chronicles on France 5 in "The Daily". I'll be there every Monday live now. Around 12:20, live.
In the video above you can see that I had decided to start this season smoothly by giving some tips on recycling sun care. There was also talk of carrot oil that I love for its healthy glow.
So, I propose to give here other recipes that illuminate the complexion and make a point on home facial masks.
At the bottom of the article, also find my calendar of events to meet me if you feel like it this fall!
To extend the benefits of the summer, or give an ultimate glow to the skin, nothing like a good homemade facial mask. Easy to make and often surprisingly effective, masks "home made" is a wonderful opportunity to provide a beneficial break before a fresh start.
Masks houses, manual
All homemade cosmetic fans will tell you that the masks are the easiest beauty preparations to make. The process is often the same: it uses plant extracts or crude minerals (powder plants, mashed fruit, clay, ...) which is mixed with some liquid to obtain a smooth paste, ready to land on the . face 
The advantage is clear: the preparation is "fresh" and rich in assets. The downside: you can rarely keep a homemade mask over time and it is advisable to use straight away.
The effect of a good mask house is immediate, as far as the left has put at least 10 minutes on cleansed skin exfoliated before or with a good scrub (click). We always avoid asking a mask on the eye unless explicitly allows the recipe. 
For best results on the face, the ideal is to practice the same mask 1 times a week for one month, but it does There is no precise. Rule 
All skin types can benefit from most home masks, acne skin, but avoid too astringent preparations based on green clay or alcohol in order not to excite the sebaceous production. No pre grained scrub the skins there either.
Good face masks
The red clay revives skin radiance
The red clay revives skin radiance
To prolong the tan complexion vacation, or to restore a healthy glow to dull skin, can be trusted to several natural extracts. The red clay (illite) is rich in ferric oxide which illuminates the complexion and stimulates microcirculation.Mixed with a little water or hydrosol of rose or geranium, this clay gives a mask for self-tanning effect and tonic at a time. The radius of vitamins, carotenoids contained in the oily macerate carrot or butternut gild the pink skin and protects it from any oxidative stress.
Recipe for a "good face" mask: 
- Take in small bowl 2 tablespoons of red clay (Argiletz offers Ultra-ventilated illite clay of good quality) 
- add 2 tsp hydrosol rose or geranium (in organic shop or on the Internet) 
- Touillez with a wooden spoon until a smooth paste. It is possible to add some liquid if needed. 
- Add 5 large drops carrot oily macerate (Pranarôm proposes a bio 50ml with dropper) 
- if really dull complexion, add 3 drops of oil essential geranium, patchouli and cistus choice for most effect on the microcirculation. 
Touillez again and apply the homogeneous mixture on the face cleaned for at least 10 minutes. Rinse with clean water and a washcloth or sponge.
You are a novice or just left? Choose a mask kit ready to be done! The brand Guayapi, in the vein Slow Cosmetics too (click to see Slow Cosmetics recommendable brands), offers the Mask of fresh plants "bang" in acerola. Is stirred 5 teaspoons of the white powder in a small half glass of water and voila!
Other looks good tips:
- Massage carefully every day to cleansed skin 3-4 drops of carrot oil macerate heated in hands. The skin takes a nice apricot color in less than a week. Very natural and ideal for smoking hides.
- Practice facial gym 5 minutes a day (click to see video). Facial Fitness stimulates blood circulation in the dermis and thus revives the complexion. And it's free!
- Exfoliate! Practicing a scrub one to two times a week is guaranteed a luminous complexion because it stimulates the microcirculation and removes dead skin corneal layer off the complexion. Gum we always face with a very fine grain (I used baking soda) in oil or cream (I use argan oil). If you have acne-prone or sensitive skin, opt for a scrub without grain, for example by choosing a mask with yoghurt and lemon (lactic acid and fruit acid to release the dead skin enzymatically). 
Repairers Masks
Honey is a complete cosmetic mask on its own
Honey is a complete cosmetic mask on its own
Your skin has been damaged by the sun, salt or wind during the holidays? No panic, nature offers us many consolations ... Honey and cornflower water or rose musts remain essential for mask repair, healing and soothing. It's the same for ghassoul (clay Atlas) which is capable of controlling all the functions of the skin gently.
For a lack of skin softness and thirsty after the summer, the trick is to slow the most in a bowl mix two teaspoons of semi-liquid honey (why not a manuka honey but honey all work except highly liquid) with 2 or 3 drops of floral water selectively and 2 drops of essential oil of lavender or German chamomile. Placed on the face with a brush and left on for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Beware, it runs a little so plan towels.
Slow Another tip: use shea butter mask. On the ground generously into the palm of the hands and applied on dry and clean face for 15 minutes. Just rinsed surplus (to do at night). Ideal for dry and hyper-reactive skin as shea butter does contain a lot of anti-inflammatory unsaponifiables.
For a more successful care in the formula and more convenient, I leave you here a mask recipe "regulator and soothing" after the summer: 
- Take in a small bowl 1 tablespoon of powdered Ghassoul (eg home. Logona, in magazines and on the internet). 
- Pour 1 tablespoon of cornflower water, rose water or mineral 
- add 5 drops of honey thick liquid bio 
- Touillez with a mini whisk or spatula until stiff a homogeneous preparation. 
Apply the mixture on the face cleaned for at least 10 minutes. Gently massage and rinse with warm water.
And voilàààà .... Note that this article is partly published in Bioinfo this month of September 2014 (click). I write every month.
 And then my calendar?
In your pencils! 😉
Since it's back, I suggest you write this in your class newspapers. Attention, there are plenty of dates:
- The Tuesday 16 September 2014 at 18h 30 at the Gothic Hall of the Brussels City Hall, I will give a conference on Slow Cosmetics within the environmental Tuesdays  (click).
- The Tuesday 23 September 2014  at 19:30 at the cultural center of Silly, I participate in a workshop on anti-aging nutrients.Info and registration here.
- The Sunday 28 September 2014 at 9: 30 pm on the Place de Silly, I will be on the market closing Slow Food Slow Food week of my beautiful village. Dedications guaranteed!
- On Sunday 5 October 2014, it is possible that I am now on the alternative town Alternatiba in Lille (click). More information will follow if it is confirmed.
- The Sunday 19 October 2014 to 15 hours in Zen Planet Salon in Brussels (click), I invite you to a debate on cosmetic slow, conventional cosmetics today and Marketing abuse of this segment.
- The Friday 7 and Saturday, November 8, 2014 in Paris, as every year I teach scientific aromatherapy initiation with the College of Aromatherapy Dominique Baudoux. This is a course that is always a lot of success and is a revelation if you are new medical aroma. Inscriptions on the CIADB site (click).
- The Sunday November 23 2014 in Paris, I will participate in the great conference organized by Slow Cosmetics editions Daily Malin and INPA Slow Cosmetics (click) in the afternoon. More information will follow shortly and on the website Editions Daily Malin (click).
- The Saturday 29 November 2014 to 15 hours in the lounge Naturabio in Lille (click), I will give a lecture on the importance of plants for skin diseases "SOS Natural Skin".
- Every Wednesday at 17:15, find my column on "Two-RTBF" in drôlissime show "A Guy, A chef". We can see them on RTBF video  (click).
- Every Monday at 12.15 as stated above, I am on France 5 in "The Daily" (click to access the wellness chronic)

- Every minute, every second, you're thinking with me and try to consume more beauty and well-being for a world that has more meaning THANK YOU! 😉

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