mardi 17 novembre 2015

Tips to boost immunity by natural!

A family on top in winter, it is possible!
A family on top in winter, it is possible!
At the gates of winter, what could be healthier than trying to boost the natural defenses ... natural?
Some preventive tips to take to prevent winter ailments ...
I selected a few essential oils to disseminate and rub to protect, easy bee products and find some clever gestures to spend a winter in good shape!
Before reading this article, you can watch the video above or see in "Morning Nord pas de Calais" of 11.29.13 on the website of France 3  (click). I present this chronic demo.
1)      Clearing the air
To fight against the spread of germs in the living and office space, the most effective solution is to diffuse essential oils and to ensure that the molecules remain sufficiently disseminated suspended in the air.
Only cold electric diffusers allow this, as well as the latest generation of sprays with essential oils to ensure a fine micronized product during vaporization.
Conso tips:
- Disseminate essential oils ravintsara or eucalyptus radiata in the air, possibly combined with the essence of lemon or pine.
- Use a spray as Aromaforce Pranarôm organic spray, spray five seconds in the air of a normal room well ventilated.
2) Wash hands and be hygienic
During epidemics, it is strongly advised to wash hands several times a day to avoid contamination (doorknobs, shared computers, ... there are many possible sources of infection).
Conso tips:
- Wash hands with soap good enough as far as we wash our hands at length without forgetting all fingers and backs of hands. Liquid organic soaps are highly effective and also less polluting than their conventional equivalents. Essential oils can be added at a rate of 20 drops per 200 ml. I love the foaming soap Cattier.
- Change the bath kitchen linens (sponges, cloths) and bath towels.
3) Check the vitamin D levels
Science has now understood that vitamin D is essential for a good immune system. The problem is that it is sun exposure allows us to synthesize this vitamin. And god knows if lack of sunshine these days. 
Vitamin D supplementation may therefore be considered with your doctor. There are dietary supplements of vitamin D in comparable drugstores. 
Meanwhile, the few food sources of vitamin D are egg yolks, cod liver oil, cod liver oil, fatty fish, organ meats, and some fungi (including portabella: a mushroom Paris brownish mature and well).
4) Supplement your diet with bee products
The  propolis  is a plant resin used by bees as mortar and anti-infectives to clean the hive. It is harvested for its therapeutic properties.
Found propolis extract in the form of alcoholic or "mother tincture" (propolis wax soaking in alcohol before filtration). It takes 2-4 drops per day in honey or pure.
Conso Council:  black propolis extract of Ballot Flurin
The Royal Jelly is a glandular secretion of the worker bee which is the exclusive food of the queen bee in a colony of selected larvae. This is an acid compound to taste sweet, whitish and pearly deemed active on bacteria of the genus Proteus and Escherichia coli B (better known under the name of E. coli). Its composition is impressive: lots of water, a little fat, a lot of carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins B5, trace elements and acetylcholine (source of anti-infective action). Some studies have demonstrated active on cholesterol, hypertension, menopausal syndrome, and cancer prevention. But the subject remains controversial.
It is a product very expensive and difficult to maintain. It is found in natural food stores and some pharmacies. It takes a small amount in cure orally.
Conso Tip:  Jelly Pure Royal to Fitoform
5) To provide small benefits to plants
Many herbs and spices have purifying and tonic at a time. This is the case of garlic and cinnamon that are well known and can be used in the kitchen in winter with generosity.
Some plants are essential:
- Essential oil ravintsara is well tolerated by applying pure or diluted on the skin of adults (except pregnant women and children below 3 years). It can massage 3-5 drops daily on the feet to protect against diseases of winter.
Echinacea is a great classic herbal medicine for infectious conditions. It consumes as an infusion or alcoholic extract (tincture)
6) Get out, move and laugh!
Last tip: do sports regularly, even moderate in winter. This stimulates immunity and reduces stress which is known to bring down our immune defenses. Laughter is also a wonderful asset for less stress.
So get out to see a play or participate in a fun workshop ... We start immediately with a short video clip of the RTBF (clip) that presents your dear and devoted Julien dancing on Chantal Goya!😉

And you ? What are your tricks to spend a winter without worry?

What are your tricks to you? and your experience?

Hot flashes: a bad memory!
Hot flashes: a bad memory!

Hot flashes linked to the delicate period of pre-menopause does not affect everyone but when they are there, they make us a life of hell! Sweating very important night, "flush" or choking sensations, redness, hands and sweaty feet ... Anything goes!
That's what happened to Annie, aged 54. Annie had not immediately thought to natural remedies, but she is then welcomed to have discovered ...
I deliver his testimony here, and especially the details of simple and natural remedies she used to relieve successfully!
Annie crying, Annie laughing

Annie is now happy to sleep without hot flashes!
Annie is now happy to sleep without hot flashes!

Annie is 54 years old. She works in rural areas as an assistant technician and household surfaces. There are a few months, she began to suffer from very important and troublesome hot flashes, especially at night. Asweating crazy! 
She turned to her doctor who suggested she wait (because in general the phenomenon does not necessarily lasts more than a few months). Disappointed, she visited sites online doctors and blogs. She had heard of mint medicated water to spray on the body, but the very ephemeral refreshing effect of this gesture seemed a bit light.
Hot flashes are usually due to hormonal upheaval that precedes and accompanies menopause transition from a life with rules to a menopausal woman's life.
Annie is not the type to complain, but when it has come to have to change nightdress 3 times a night because she too was sweating, she confided to his entourage.
In a friendly exchange, Annie and I discussed an effective remedy against hot flashes. I told him about evening primrose oil, and essential oil of clary sage.
After putting into practice a simple protocol and 100% natural, Annie noticed in just 48 hours it was no longer suffering from hot flashes.
His life is transformed and nights, and she contacted me to discuss that evidence.
A cure in 2 times against hot flashes
Hot flashes are not easily treated, and if you think it is absolutely suffer consult a doctor before starting anything. In fact, hot flashes are directly related to your hormonal life and hormones are very specific and delicate officers of our organization.
For most women, however, it is absolutely safe to use a simple and easy to put into practice protocol for fast and well alleviate hot flashes. It is this protocol has applied Annie and wished us know. She's still got rid of the infernal hot flashes in about 48 hours!
1) In the morning, just before breakfast, take 2 capsules of evening primrose oil 

Beneficent evening primrose (Oenothera biennis)
Beneficent evening primrose (Oenothera biennis)

Every morning, Annie took 2 Evening primrose oil capsules of Pranarôm brand,with a glass of cold water before breakfast. These capsules contain 1 gram of evening primrose oil capsules 2.
When taken orally, evening primrose oil is often recommended to regulate the production of female hormones in case of hot flashes or PMS syndrome.Although efficiency is not unanimously demonstrated scientifically, it would seem to be related to the significant presence of omega 6 essential fatty acids, and especially the good omega 6 fatty acid called "gamma-linolenic" which promotes the synthesis cellular and regulation of inflammatory processes. This fatty acid is involved in the regulation of prostaglandins. The latter being associated with the appearance of vasomotor hot flashes, but also to anxiety, sleep disorders, and possible dizziness or discomfort that characterize the onset of menopause, we understand the interest of the primrose by orally at menopause.
If we follow the few existing studies, it is believed that for flushing, 3 to 4 g per day are useful oil, which may represent according trademarks of 4 to 8 capsules per day taken on three meals . But in our case, Annie took only 2 capsules at breakfast, slightly more than one gram. 
Note, however, that it is very tiny Annie, and she eats healthily. I think for a woman no less sporty fatty acid diet or 4 capsules for 2 gr. have agreed for the first week before moving on then 2 capsules for 1 month.
Positive, the evening primrose oil capsules are also involved in the hydration of the skin, and make it more toned and radiant face. This is something gained.
2) The evening, massage 1 drop of essential oil clary sage (Salvia sclarea) on the solar plexus, and 2 drops of clary sage still on the lower back up the kidneys. Annie massaged these pure essential oil drops.

Clary sage, friend Women
Clary sage, friend Women

I recommend the essential oils of clary sage Saint Hilaire (click).
Clary sage contains sclareol, a sesquiterpene alcohol deemed to have an effect "estrogen-like".
It is for this reason that aromatologues advise this essential oil through pre-menopause, to compensate for the drop in estrogen levels and make the transition easier.
Beware though, this sweet and beneficent essential oil is unfortunately strongly discouraged for women suffering or having suffered from breast cancer or any hormone-dependent cancer. It does not cause not against cancer, careful not to confuse. It was somehow not the case of course Annie.

The testimony of Annie and monitoring:
Annie told me the following:
- Once you start treatment, she has not noticed the first night. By cons, from the second night, she slept in one go without sweating excessively and without changing nightgown.
- After about three days, she realized she had no hot flashes at all.
- She told me not to have well counted the drops of essential oil of clary sage used, and thinks you have applied more than 1 drop 2 drops on his solar plexus.
- After about 1 week, his entourage was commended for his complexion, and she realized herself that the skin of his face was plumper and more moisturized, softer too.
- It is to date (11/12/13) always "saved" hot flashes. This will Wednesday three weeks ahead.
She now uses always two evening primrose oil capsules a day, but it was diluted essential oils to apply to 50% in hazelnut oil as I told him not to use pure and phase out . I think the best advice indeed for everyone is to start with pure HE for 1 week for 3 to 4 drops on the skin (plexus and back), and then from the second week to dilute 50% and then the next week to 25% and then continue for one month and then stop.

There are many "cures" in good fame (and good-women ;-)) against hot flashes ...

What are your tricks to you? and your experience?

A sweet scent for the holidays!

The apple Amber (Photo Wikipedia)
The apple Amber (Photo Wikipedia)
Happy holidays to everyone ! For this beautiful time of year and the last article in 2013, I thought a little sweetness would not do us any harm ...
The world has been rather tough this year, so take advantage of it to treat ourselves a little :-)
I concocted an interior perfume for embalming and warm the house all winter!
The detailed recipe follows, and the video above taken from our show on France 3presents as the strengths of a very nice DIY do with the kids during the holidays ...
A fragrance that smells like Christmas!
It is very easy to make an interior perfume to embalm the living rooms or perfume the Christmas tree with essential oils that can dissolve in alcohol.
This does not replace the essential oil diffuser, but it can help deodorize rooms in a wink or create a Zen atmosphere quickly.
For a successful Christmas scent, it combines the sweetness of the sweet orange oil with spicy notes of cinnamon and clove ...
The scent is as successful without cinnamon, but it's better with ;-)
The scent is as successful without cinnamon, but it's better with ;-)
Ingredients and accessories for home fragrance:
- 25 drops of essential oil of sweet orange (gasoline zest) 
- 5 drops of essential oil of cloves 
- 2 drops of essential oil of cinnamon leaf or bark 
- 5-6 tablespoons of alcohol 70 ° (or failing good very strong alcoholic vodka market) 
- Option to better solubilize the essential oils in alcohol: 1 teaspoon vegetable glycerin coffee (at the drugstore or on the Internet) 
- 1 spray bottle 50ml at least, thoroughly clean and dry 
- 1 small funnel
In a spray bottle thoroughly clean and dry at least 50ml, pour the drops of essential oils and glycerine and alcohol. Mix well by shaking the closed vial. Keep in the fridge for 24 hours before first use.
Tip: Spray on the tree or in the corners of the living rooms, as when a home fragrance. Avoid spraying on fragile textiles.
Decorate your home with an apple that wafts Amber!
The apple Amber is actually orange. I present in the video above taken from our show on France 3 NPDC.
The idea is pricked with cloves and orange laying or suspends it in the house. It cleans the air, delicately perfumes, and especially it hunts moths! So ideal in closets! 
This precious orange comes from the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. The poorest people were inspired by the famous "sweet potato" or "pomander" that the nobles used to scent, chase away bad luck and diseases. Why does it work? Because clove releases its aromatic molecules including phenols in the heart of the orange. These molecules are potent antioxidant (dry but does not rot orange) and the smell of eugenol mingles with the scent of orange to hunt moths and pleasing to us. Note that a real apple Amber should be completely covered with cloves. The orange covered and dry in 2 weeks and never rots. But if v e do not have time to plant 150 cloves in a fruit, do not panic. One can make apples Amber less elaborate with children with fewer cloves to make designs on the fruit.
Some tips:
- Take a good round and orange farm, cloves (one hundred) and a pretty ribbon if you hang. 
- Pierce the skin of the orange with a knitting needle, but without too much pressure, to facilitate insertion clove nails (they must not break!). 
- if you want to hang an orange, orange Coat before the sting with two pieces of sticky paper to form a cross at or pass the ribbon. Or go right off the ribbon around the orange and tie it. In this way, nor plant nails in the wrong place and the composition will be balanced. 
- You can put it on a table decorated with fruit, but let dry for about 24 hours on a plate not to stain your furniture.
My wishes for 2014, and yours.
So now, the year ends. My god happened fast!
I accept of course the release of my very complete book on Vegetable Oils (click) but I also remember the boom that has taken our beautiful Association Slow Cosmetics (click to the official website) and the output of Official Guide Slow Cosmetics ( click).
You no longer have excuses not to go to the natural beauty, eh?
Thank you anyway for your loyalty warmly to my blog which remains one of the most visited blog in the Francophonie, thanks to you. I always strive to keep without advertising (above the pub is that of FR3 on dailymotion, I do not know the stop), as my Youtube channel (click to subscribe to this great chain and that no ads I wonder if this is the only who have not yet switched to the race gains ;-)), and respond somehow to your many questions (sometimes too many mail), because I think everyone of you is worth it and so I bring my little stone to a world a little more sense.

For 2014, I wish us all one year E-TO-LI-BREE! 

Why a balanced year? 
Because excess night in all, because we all live a hundred miles an hour and sometimes we do not know where to turn, because we are inundated with conflicting information, and because I ' am convinced over time that the secret of a happy life is to have a little bit of everything at the table: Zen much as the chambard, passion as much as kindness, laughter as much as tears but always in the right measure.
I made you a little drawing:
A well balanced year for you!
A well balanced year for you!

2014 that fulfill you and hope to see you soon on this blog, on television, or in a bookstore during my course of aromatherapy!

Stress and skin: how to keep skin zen?

A stress-free skin is (almost) as possible
A stress-free skin is (almost) as possible
Over the next year in full swing, stressful situations tend to accumulate: departure or return to work, change of school, exams, change of job or moving ... 
Worse, the small daily stress come s' add to deeper stressors that are dissatisfactions our intimate and our inability to live in mindfulness (would we all 😉neurotic?).
What impact stress on the skin? What practical solutions against the stress? And how to minimize its harmful effects on sensitive skin?
Stress and skin:
In dermatology, there are two types of stress have an effect on the skin:
Firstly, it is known famous oxidative stress is responsible for the alteration of our cells and of skin aging. This "physical" stress is caused by free radicals, which in turn generated following several external factors such as exposure to sunlight, smoking or pollution. This is mainly because of him that wrinkles appear!
More recently, dermatologists were interested in the nervous stress or "psychological" which seems to have a significant impact on the functioning of the skin. The skin is indeed directly connected to the nervous system via the neuroendocrine component thereof. Everyone can see that, under the effect of stress, many skin conditions have experienced remarkable breakouts. This is especially true for eczema, alopecia areata or psoriasis. Many people have heard say after treatment failure with corticosteroids: "It is stress that is responsible!"
In reality, the body triggers nervous stress response a series of events (hormone or otherwise) that impact on the organs. The skin is not spared and she reacts. Blush or pale, itching, have hairs that stand or sweaty hands are well-known events of all. In some cases less scarce, the skin reacts pathologically (eczema, itching, dermatitis, ...).
Stressed out, my skin?
By dint of repeated stresses caused by stress, the skin's barrier function may be impaired. This gives a less comfortable and less well hydrated skin. In addition, stressed skin is more reactive: sudden allergies can occur, as well as irritation or itching that will be the source of eczema and of course the famous psoriasis (click pso tips).
Oxidative stress is also a factor of skin aging. Mature skin are therefore theoretically more "stressed" than others or have been.
How to reduce stress for my skin?
Zen without sun?
Zen without sun?
Against the oxidative stress first of all, it is clear that conventional beauty tips are even more valid: avoid the intense UV exposure, use sunscreen,
avoid sudden exposure to cold or heat, not smoking and drinking enough water are essential bases. diet can also enrich it with foods rich in vitamins, especially beta-carotene (a good antioxidant for the skin) found in fruits and vegetables colored (carrots, peppers, spinach, etc ...). Also think of drinking green tea freshly brewed, opt for red fruits in season, etc ...
The most documented vegetable oils for their antioxidant power are the perilla, evening primrose and to a lesser extent Argan and Rosehip. They may be added in the plate but also massage the daily serum on the body or the face below the cream.
There are plethora of antioxidants to the menu
There are plethora of antioxidants to the menu
To reduce the nervous stress, use aromatherapy (see below) but can also ensure that they spare moments of meditation during the day. If this is not possible, you can breathe easier exercise throughout the day. Breathing through the belly, deep and slow, can be practiced during the day or during bathing. Lying comfortably (e), one can see his body swell and release air.Within minutes.
The nervous stress may also be mitigated by various practices that relax and empty head: relaxation therapy, yoga or tai chi. The problem of stressed skin is often that of letting go. Think about it!
The essential oils mixed with the vegetable cosmetic slow and allow both need to treat a skin while also aligning nerve sphere.
Easy recipe: add 1 drop of essential oil of petitgrain bitter orange or 1 drop neroli your day cream dose. Heat the dose mixed in hands.Breathe calmly your palms before applying the treatment on the face and neck. A mini relaxation session for the skin.
Many essential oils blend perfectly nervous sphere. For dry skin, often found Damascus rose, neroli, frankincense or myrrh. For more oily skin, you may use true lavender, green myrtle or laurel. The petitgrain bitter orange is ideal for all skin types.
The grandmother tricks
You can also fight against the effects of the nervous stress on the skin by applying cold compresses soaked in chamomile tea, lime or hawthorn on the face, eyes or redness. 
More simply, you can also cool the palms of hands rubbing with ice before putting them on closed eyes and breathe deeply for a while. This is a gesture minute anti-stress for the skin!
Also reread my article of tips against allergies natural, some can help the skin to be more resistant to stress.
Intelligent cosmetics
Some products carry the Slow Cosmetics Mention
Some products carry the Slow Cosmetics Mention
Several brands also offer cosmetic treatments that promise to desensitize the skin and make it more resistant to stress.
Attention opt for Slow Cosmetics. Your products should ideally not contain synthetic fragrances, synthetic preservatives or irritating surfactants. These treatments are therefore primarily good moisturizers that restore the barrier function of the skin. They are formulated with oils or soft vegetable butters (jojoba, calendula, shea or coconut) and contain active that soothe the skin so that the spirit (soothing essential oils, plant extracts of mallow, chamomile, etc.).
I advise you to choose your products only from those who received the Slow Cosmetics Mention (click to see the list). I have a crush on two anti-stress treatments: ADAPTARÔM Cream Balance at Pranarôm (which is really a must for reactive skin) and Love for 3 Oranges, soothing body oil of Sweet Angevines.

Organic beauty: are we all sores?

Bobo Are you or not?
Bobo Are you or not?
Thanks to you, my blog has become in a few years a staple of the organic beauty, natural and slow. We are each month tens of thousands to visit these pages full of tips to liker on Facebook or advocate for a greener beauty with theAssociation Slow Cosmetics. Things are moving in the beauty department and that's good!
Yet many people have not yet been affected by our messages denouncing thegreenwashing, toxic cosmetics, misleading slogans and polluting formulas. We, fans of the Slow Cosmetics, indeed remain a small minority in the population ...
Would we therefore irreducible "bobos"?
Requires self-deprecating, I posed the question to the journalist Myriam Leroy(RTBF, Canal +). She mocks sores with talent for several years in the media, and I must admit I'm a fan.
In this article, discover the beauty of Myriam Leroy interview and try your luck to win his disturbing but very funny book, "The Bobos, effortless revolution"!

Who is Myriam Leroy?

Myriam Leroy (Canal + @)
Myriam Leroy (Canal + @)
Myriam Leroy is a Belgian journalist-columnist-humorist. She especially made ​​known on the radio RTBF with its chronic acid on Bobos she always laughs wryly, gall and malice both. These columns have made ​​me laugh a lot at the time. These are the same we find texts published in book form shown in "The Bobos, effortlessrevolution", published in the book Renaissance. (Note: You can make this book all at end of 😉article).
Since the 2013 school year, Myriam also raging in France with chronic acid on Canal Plus in "New Edition". (Note: She's posh air and nasty like that, Myriam, but actually it's quite nice and full of 'autodérision J)).
His news: It resumed in 2014 where she had left in 2013, with a small wind controversy following his column on Dieudonné bonus. In radio, it's on First in "It did not come home." In press, she writes for Focus Vif (Belgian cultural magazine) and on Canal + TV. She says we have also full of writing projects on the fire.
His two books, "The bobos" and "Myriam Leroy does not like", are still in print and expect our sub. 

What is Bobo?

bobo leroy coverage
The book Myriam Leroy to win!
You remember the song of Renaud? The "Bobos" or "bourgeois bohemians" described there as people rather contradictory: rather easy, rather urban, very sensitive to the environmental cause and organic, but rolling in a 4 × 4 and dressing in Zadig et Voltaire.
In truth, there are several definitions of bobo.
I defined above sores over their choices rather than in relation to their social class (which can vary I think): they like certain places (lofts, organic markets, trendy cafes where local color drink beers or a somewhat excluded wine, artists' exhibitions too ...), they choose their food carefully (they consume as much as possible organic, they are very concerned with what was on the plate and in the glass) they listen to some music (often a mixture of electro folk, with perhaps chouilla Agnes Obel), they are well equipped with new technologies (Apple and others), they like to travel, and then they express values ​​in the times (peace, ecology, north-south relations, their children, respect). 
My definition seems pretty close to that of Myriam Leroy force just a little respect for us laugh by describing bobos shots.
Actually, I think we're all a little sore. Y-me included, and you also certainly. It does not bother me to recognize the time because it takes time to make fun of yourself.

Myriam, she mocks Slow Cosmetics!

Myriam without make-up or almost just for us :-)
Myriam without make-up or almost just for us :-)
I interviewed Myriam Leroy before him a little prescription concoct any natural beauty and slow! You will see that it has not yet passed to the slow revolution in his bathroom. She said they both skin oily, dry, sensitive, prone to allergies and that brand quickly in case of fatigue or hazardous food (all the time, she says ;-)).
1) Myriam, looks like your beauty kit? 
A dump truck, I love cosmetics and I squandered my salary in useless creams pretty packaging. I fall into all marketing panels of high-end brands and I love it, actually!
More of a cream risky promises on the box, I pay the more expensive, the more I love. I am the perfect pigeon for the beauty industry. I am not yet quite convinced by the organic versions of my favorite products mainly -at the level of textures. I have not yet found the day cream that does not stick for example, but I do not despair.
2) Do you "natural" beauty tips "slow" which you use to hold between filming your chronic, books and your shows?
I regularly use the services of a great ayurvedic masseuse near me (Flavia,, which makes me feel fresh and serene in just one hour. If I could afford it, I would go to see her every week. I drink too much organic white tea, major antioxidant.
3) What do you consider the height of beauty bobo?
The height of beauty bobo, the absurd sense, it is the tan, as many backpackers, I like to maintain it regularly in the rice fields of Cambodia or Malaysia mangrove ... And I'll pay one day -no so far away I'm afraid.
Editor's note: In this video drôlissime announcing the book bobo Myriam Leroy, we also find that the sores think that the placenta is a miracle cosmetic active!  See  the video bobos in Brussels

My beauty prescription for slow Myriam Leroy

Myriam, you put you there to Slow?
Myriam, you put you there to Slow?
We will take it easy since Myriam is still completely trapped in the cosmetic brainwashing 😉
Myriam Leroy could start by discovering cleansing water with Lamazuna wipes (for green reusable, techno because fiber takes away the makeup with just water. She would finish her cleansing with a spritz of verbénone rosemary on a hydrolat Cotton well complete the cleaning and regulate sebum without drying.
Because like Ayurveda, it could then massaged his face length with 3 large drops of aromatic oil moisturizing and anti-gray mine at once.
The recipe for amber glass bottle of 15 ml:
- 1 tablespoon (10ml) of oil from apricot kernels (fresh and not greasy and certainly not at all allergenic
- 1 tablespoon of argan oil coffee (for vitamins and deep nutrition)
- 2 drops of essential oil of Cistus (to tighten pores and regulate sebum a little)
- 2 drops of essential oil of Curcuma longa (for dual anti-aging tonic effect, for the symbol of life that warms and to revive the complexion)
- 2 drops of essential oil of grapefruit peel (for an anti-elastase and anti-sagging, and a good measure of optimism).
She then end with a bio cream for super smooth texture that will not stick. To choose from ADAPTARÔM Pranarôm Cream, Raspberry Day Cream Fun'Ethic or my house Universal Cream (click). 
Bobos in the fog cover in the ... Myriam Leroy book
Bobos in the fog cover in the ... Myriam Leroy book

Win the book Myriam Leroy! And mine !

Who will win the owl book "The Bobos, effortless revolution"   appeared at the Renaissance book?
The one who: 
- comment below by giving me what for him or her is the height of the beauty Bobo (on live please!) 
- send me by mail the answer to the subsidiary question  before 31/01midnight:
SUBSIDIARY QUESTION: "How many visits (all visits) received Tuesday, January 14, 2014? "(The answer is a number in 4 figures you have to approach as close).
Do not forget to mention in your email address (only Europe or Canada please).
The winner will be published here around February 2 and I will send him the book by mail, and an autographed copy of my book "Eat the Slow Cosmetics'!
In short, that's two owls books offered just before Valentine's Day ...